Upcoming Events
Mitrofanoff Support Day
This gives you a chance to get together with other Mitrofanoffers, meet our Medical Team, including
Patron Claire Taylor and our Adult and Paediatric Nurse Specialists!
Registration required, full details will be emailed to you once complete.
If you have any questions, please email info@mitrofanoffsupport.org.uk
26 April 2025 - Manchester
Online Discussion Group
If you can't make our IN PERSON Mitrofanoff Support Day, why not join us online?!
Supported by our Medical Team and Trustees, this is an informal group where you can meet others
like you and ask questions you need answers too.
Pre op or post op, there is always something new to learn.
We hope you can join us!
Saturday - 10.30-12 UK time
MONs 20: 8th Feb - With our Adult Nurse
MONs 21: 21 May - With Paediatric Nurses
Medical Conferences we will be attending:
To help raise awareness in the Medical Profession of our Charity and the Mitrofanoff
procedure. Let your Stoma nurses or GP's know to come and see our stand and say Hi!
ACP (Association for Continence Professionals) 19-20 May
RCGP(Royal College of General Practitioners) 9-10 October
ASCN (Association of Stoma Care Nurses) 12-14 October

Some of our Previous Events
Mitrofanoff Support Days

London Marathon 2022

Mitrofanoff Online Networking Sessions (MONS)

Ride London

Patient Education Day
Charity Skydive

Charity Fundraising Ball

London Marathon

100km Team Row

Ride London